The Red Series, acrylic on stretched canvas, set of 5 paintings. ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Staged here to show the versatility in displaying the Red Series paintings. Use around a TV / Media center, or as a surround for another focal point piece of artwork displayed on your wall. Red, white and black.

THE RED SERIES - 5 Painting Set, acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Available for purchase.

Red 1, the bottom left painting shown in the above series by Jeff Maurer. If red is your color, this series of paintings is definitely for you! Full series is available for purchase. A base of deep / dark reds and blacks is built up on top with varying shades and textures of red, finished with both gray and white circles.

RED 1 - 24" x 48" acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Available for purchase.

Red 2, the top / left canvas in the series. A beautiful combination and blending of light to dark variations of red, integrated across the series with style of application and unifying circles. An energizing display of passionate red colors will bring life to any room.

RED 2 - 24" x 8" acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Available for purchase.

Red 3, the top / right canvas shown in the series. A continuation of circles and texture, varying lights and darks with circle overlays. Painted in Orlando, FL and available to ship direct to you.

RED 3 - 24" x 8" acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Available for purchase.

Red 4, the bottom / right canvas shown in the series. Build up and relief of red color and texture throughout. Movement through texture, geometric elements and color across the whole series.

RED 4 - 24" x 48" acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Available for purchase.

Red 5, the top / center canvas in the series. Visually connecting the right and left set of canvases together in this series, Red 5 can be used as part of the set or as a stand-alone accent painting in another location. Great for long and skinny wall space.

RED 5 - 48" x 8" acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Available for purchase.

A detail view of Red 1, showing the build up and relief of texture on the canvas.

RED 1 - Detail view.

Layering of Red with overlays of white and gray, this series of paintings is the perfect monochromatic color palette for a simple yet strong impact to be displayed.

RED 4 - Detail view.

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