Sugar High - 14" x 49" acrylic on stretched canvas. Movement of color and taste. ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Teal, Pink, Red , Black, White. This makes my teeth hurt when looking at it... thinking about the times I've had too much sugar at one time.

SUGAR HIGH. 13" x 49" acrylic on stretched canvas. ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Available for purchase.

Sugar High - Detail View. 14" x 49" acrylic on stretched canvas. Movement of color and taste. ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Teal, Pink, Red , Black, White. Splatter of paint and color, layering of sweets.

SUGAR HIGH. Detail View.

Sugar High - 14" x 49" acrylic on stretched canvas. Movement of color and taste. ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Teal, Pink, Red , Black, White. Overlay of circles with movement of color.

SUGAR HIGH. Detail View.

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