Coffee Bar Triptych is a set of three 8 in. by 24 in paintings, originally painted together and then separated apart for display.

COFFEE BAR TRIPTYCH 8" x 24" (each), triptych, acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative, available for purchase.

An abstract modern painting by Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative, this uses a combination of cool blues and teals with a bright and fluid yellow & white overlays.

COFFEE BAR TRIPTYCH 8" x 24" (each), triptych, acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Detail view.

Another detail view showing the fluidity of the yellow on top of the cooler underlayment.

COFFEE BAR TRIPTYCH 8" x 24" (each), triptych, acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Detail view.

Can you picture this at your coffee bar in your home or business?! If so, please contact Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative, as this is available for purchase.

COFFEE BAR TRIPTYCH 8" x 24" (each), triptych, acrylic on stretched canvas, ©Jeff Maurer / Maurer Creative. Detail view.

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